Share your comments and questions about the freeware Snippet Manager software.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Requested features in the next version

Please list your requests for changes to the next version. So far it seems the treeview could use a little improvement. Anything else?


  1. A great tool!
    Would be nice to have the ability to rename and reorder snippets
    Further a ability could be to move the snippets in other branches.

  2. Could you add support for processing language ?
    it's a library for java

  3. What a great tool, thanks!
    I need some PHP and JS snippets. Would anyone like to share?

  4. I really like Snippet Manager - thanks for sharing your talent!

    I am attempting to configure a local http server to host and share code snippets amongst my team. I cannot find the correct configuration parameters to allow such sharing. Can you provide some guidance/insight?

  5. I'd like some more user settings: font used to display snippets, directory to store local snippets and/or Dropbox support. Otherwise nice tool!

    1. As this is a portable application, i use it directly from dropbox

  6. Tools like this will be a-must in years to come. I suggest though that the ultimate one should be fast and able to co-exist with the primary authoring tool side-by-side. It should have a variety of main menus (tree,list,category,recents) with a quick search filter. Also it could help if comments and description could be separated from code and not copied together on the IDE. (A smart button that copies code and depedencies could help). I have imagined the ability to 'glue' files and other resources with the sample code and even real time collaboration with other developers. (i said too match ha?).
    Nice work!

  7. Cool tool!
    I vote for user settings: snippets font (I hate Courier!), tree font (it's too small for me) and path to local snippets storage.
    Good Luck!

    1. I second the request for custom fonts and font size. I commonly use Crisp from the Proggy Fonts collection. Plus we aren't all 20 years old and can use the ability to increase the size just a bit.

  8. for dropbox-support, simply put the whole snippet-manager folder into the dropbox-managed dir... whooohooo :D

  9. Great tool, saved me having to create one ;-}

    The only things I'd add are:

    The ability to have sub categories
    Drag & drop snippets between categories

  10. I go along other peoples... must have tool !!!
    And yes, drag-n-drop and custom folders would be great :-)

  11. Pleas add a separate notes field, and preferable one with basic formatting allowed.

  12. Can you add powershell to the language list?

  13. does your php syntax highlighting work? I can't see my comment getting highlighted

  14. Before I start, I love your application and thank you for all of your hard work on it.

    How about adding a user setting or some kind of encryption? It may sound odd but if I am going to carry this around on my thumb drive I would love to be able to protect my hard work. Usually I would keep it in a mobile TrueCrypt volume but that may not be feasible if I am not on my own computer.

    Also, what about adding an auto-update checking ability? Or maybe even just making an email list to tell us when an update is out? I didn't see anything in the menus or setting about updates so I am just assuming it doesn't check for updates.

    Other than that, again, I love this app!

  15. Like others I would add more freedom in tree and some option more, at the moment this is the best tool i had found after trying many others.. would love to see it grow. Add paypal support for developer, im sure many would show their appreciation.

  16. Now I see this tool had 2 years without updates... maybe release it as opensource? Don't let it die..

  17. I can only echo the above comments calling for powershell support, more control over the tree categories and perhaps some form of encryption of the mysnippets.xml file. Perhaps language definitions could even be handled in a similar manner to snippets, thereby allowing downloads/imports from external sources? (I'm picturing something like the user defined language mechanism in Notepad++)

    In the same spirit as the previous poster's comment, if this project is slowly being shelved, it would be a shame as many alternative snippet managers are quite compromised in one way or another. Going open source might not be appealing, but perhaps there is some sort of middle ground to ensure the project has a future?

  18. I think there is a bug, it happened with me,
    in this line (dos batch code)

    "set /p ".=." > "%~2" <nul"

    the program after i saved and finished refused to load the XML file that has all my codes. and made a new snippets and all my other codes gone.

    after removing this line from the XML file, it worked.

    i know about that line while i was trying to extract data using a python xml parser and it pointed me to this line as:

    "xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: reference to invalid character number: line 958, column 10"

    you should find a fix for that, an i support all requests up. :)

  19. and one more bug, when changing from a snippets to another even when no changed have been made, it ask you if you want to save the changes or not

  20. Every time I open the program it opens the browser and redirects to this website, I think it's annoying. At least do it the 1st time.

  21. I don't know how to use http server for my dropbox folder.
    1.the explorer no show web folder.
    2.when i click the "download snippet update",it will show 404 failed.

  22. Today is December 22nd. I am having trouble uploading new snippets to the cloud account. It crashes the app. I'm on Windows7 64-bit using 64-bit Oracle JDK 1.6.0_34 .

  23. Well, it's been one year exactly since that last post. I've lost my account details to even update this blog (working on recovering that). Since I haven't had time to do updates, I'm going to release this as open source as soon as I comment the code. Let me have your votes on where we'd like to open source this at.

  24. Great tool. Would you add OCaml as a language?

  25. I am a SAP developer and would love to have ABAP supported...

  26. Drag-n-Drop from Snippet manager to the developer's IDE. For example, drag from the Treeview and drop on Visual Studio. Right now the process of Select copy/paste is more cumbersome than the Visual Studio built-in drag-n-drop of snippets stored in the Toolbox (General tab)

    Also, adding XAML to the languages to keep XML and XAML separate would be nice.

    And the ability to define our own categories.

  27. I am looking at using this tool for our development team to share snippets. When snippets get uploaded via ftp, it gets formatted into a single XML file and then zipped up into a file named There appears to be an issue with the formatting of the XML file on both the server as well as the local copy when this happens causing it to be malformed. When you attempt a download, an error is generated "Failed to load snippets file 'local_path_to_file'. There is an error in XML document (2, 5)"

    The first two lines of the document look like this (I replaced the opening and closing tags with single quotes):

    '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?'

    There is no opening 'dictionary' attribute. I assume the closing '/item' attibute should be 'dictionary'.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue?

    1. Yes I've seen the same. If you correct it in the XML it seems to work... of course the next time you download the same problem crops up.

  28. I would like the editor to recognize HTML and colorize HTML code.

    Thanks, Alan

  29. Projects seems dead. Make it open source.

  30. Could you please add ABAP language support

  31. I would also love to get the SAP ABAP language support !

  32. 1. Autosave option (would like to make changes to code snippet, then move to next snippet without getting prompted)
    2. Save automatically (entire database), or an option to prompt "save on exit"
    3. User selectable font face, size, etc. for text window (I would like to use Consolas font i use in VS)
    4. "Insert" and "Delete" keys should be available when in the treeview.

    First time using it, keep up the good work.

  33. I am an IBM Cognos TM1 Architect / Developer and would like to have TM1 scripting (TI and Rules) language added.

    In Notepad++ one can add a language. Would be create if one could add a language the way Notepad++ let you do it.

    I am just starting using this tool and I can see its potential. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your talent.

  34. I have started to try out this tool. I am storing it in dropbox so that I always have my notes. However I would like the ability to create folders without creating a snippet, and also to create sub folders. Also for some reason when I add an ftp account it is showing the password instead of hiding it with stars

  35. Another thing that is needed is the ability to rename folders, and snippets.

  36. Add google-drive integration please! Love the tool

  37. Add ability to create own categories. The EXE file date though is 2010 so i have to wonder if this is a dead horse. Its probably at the top for a free snippet manager and a shame if that is its demise. Perhaps make this open source so others can take it and continue to develop it into a strong app.

  38. New languages:

  39. -Rename Snippets
    -create folders and ability to renaming it
    -ability to move snippet between folders

  40. If this is still an active project,Powershell support would be good.

  41. Is there a way to add support for a new language by the user itself. Can u please add support for R language.


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  44. You wrote a very great program! And of course, I spent hours and days searching for a good offline snippet manager. And your software is simply the bet.

    But the one thing I am missing very much is a dark mode/theme.
    I spent 12 hours every day in front of my 5K monitor and every application is running in dark mode - so, is there a simple possibility to change it? Many thanks!

  45. Thanks for your work on this. Any chance you would provide source code or put this up on Sourceforge? Would like to make some changes.

  46. Add support for:
    - tags for each snipp. item
    - manage categories
    - manage programming languages
    - option to filter by tags and/or categories and/or languages
    - backup/restore

  47. Was there ever another version released? Also, my apologizes for the lack of understanding programming but will manager application allow me to save my vba codes for safe keepings? Thank you

  48. The Tree XML structure for Snippets is not good try to create folders and files in Temp directory because if file `mysnippets.xml` is deleted everything will be deleted.

    1. The xml structure for snippets is not getting too many tough decisions and I am triggering and Do My Assignment For Me Cheap service available.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. - A GitHub connection would to download Snippets from there. Upload is not required (at least not for me).
    - A possibility to dellete a whole Folder with subfolders.
    - A possibility to manage Categories (Add/relete/Rename)
    - Possibility to add own Folders (lets say for EXTENDSCRIPT that is not included by default - but is a kind of JAVASCRIPT)
    - SubSub folders or even SubSubSub folders would help to bether sort
    - As alredy suggested a directory with real files (maybe with real extensions) would be bether as XML...and the Snippets would alredy be usable after creating. The additional Data could be stored in a support File with same name
    - Import of Snippets via Files (local files, lets say .jar, .jsx...) or copy those in a folder and then add the aditional data via Snippet manager and those would be then stored seperate
